Posts in announcement

We don’t need to tell you what’s happening. In two months, the Trump Administration, the Heritage Foundation, oil companies, and other powerful lobbyists have dismantled decades of progress and are slamming shut the last window we had for a livable planet. They’re coming for all of our communities with brutish force. We are witnessing the silencing of scientists, academics, nonviolent activists, and nonprofits. However, a cursory look into the history of political movements shows that these are exactly the types of actions that backfire and give movements their biggest wins. In the dark, have heart.

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COP26: Mobilize for Action

COP26 is all but bound to fail. It's been 26 annual summits, along with decades of denial, inaction, and exponential increases in carbon emissions that have led us to this point. Because of this failure, we accuse the rich and powerful countries within the COP process of crimes against humanity.

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actions, announcementLaura Cole