Art build, potluck and brainstorm
We are getting ready for upcoming actions. Be a part of our vibrant community.
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We are getting ready for upcoming actions. Be a part of our vibrant community.
Finance helps ensure that we have the financial resources needed to support the movement's collective actions. If you have experience in financial management, accounting, bookkeeping, fundraising, or anything else you think might be relevant, come talk to us!
Meet us by registering here.
The Arts working group designs the bright, beautiful and creative spectacles that make XR actions distinctive. We are humans who believe in the power of art and music. We always need people, no matter their skills, to bring our (or your) visions to life!
Meet us by registering here.
Media and messaging shapes the story of XR and does the essential work spreading the word far and wide. M&M plans, writes and creates messaging that aligns with XR strategy for social media, email, press releases and video. We’re looking for people with skills or experience in video production, graphic design, copywriting, social media campaign planning and execution, press release writing, photography, etc. A willingness to spend time learning about XR’s DNA and history is a must. The impact of our media & messaging team is immeasurable and we’d love to talk to you more about joining our team.
Meet us by registering here.
Digital Infrastructure handles the care and feeding of the systems that support all of our other working groups. This includes adding new pages onto our website, providing technical support for our speakers and teachers, maintaining our membership database, running digital security training, or providing digital tools that empower other groups to work efficiently and effectively. Through this work we collaborate with almost every working group in XR NYC.
Meet us by registering here.
Action is the engine for our work on the ground and in the streets. The Action Working group designs, organizes, and executes beautiful, bold, and compelling direct actions that align with XR’s overall strategy and supports the smooth functioning of project teams.
Meet us by registering here.
Regenerative Culture emphasizes self-care, people care, and planet care within our organization. We prioritize building relationships that foster trust and inspire individuals to work effectively together. Our focus is on maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships and ensuring accountable use of power. We provide Rebels with the space and support needed to learn and grow, including processing conflict regeneratively through dialogue and connection and providing programming to practice and learn the skills necessary for the growth of this movement.
Meet us by registering here.
Outreach helps grow the movement! We plan and host talks and trainings, get the word out about the climate emergency through flyering and digital messaging, help new Rebels find a place in the movement, and build community. We also work to build relationships with other organizations.
Meet us by registering here.
Ready to step up and make the action happen with XR NYC? Our movement runs on the fierce dedication of committed, collaborative volunteers.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas. The first half of the meeting will be an opportunity for introductions, learning more about how our organizing structure works and identifying specific ways you can get involved. Working groups will conduct regular business in the second half of the meeting.
Not sure which group is the best fit? Try more than one! We’d love to connect and get to know new members better.
The Actions working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Mindful Rebels, an action affinity group of XR NYC, hosts weekly meditation sits in front of the headquarters of BlackRock, Chase, and Citi.
The Political Strategy working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
The Just Transition working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
The Arts working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
The Digital Infrastructure working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
The Allies Sub-Group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
The Finance working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
The Outreach working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Ready to step up and make the action happen with XR NYC? Our movement runs on the fierce dedication of committed, collaborative volunteers.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Not sure which group is the best fit? Try more than one! We’d love to connect and get to know new members better.
The Regenerative Culture working group invites you to learn about the work the group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
XR NYC Mindful Rebels and the EcoSattva Affinity group of Brooklyn Zen Center are organizing a “meeting of meetings” in Battery Park of groups in contemplative traditions to learn, connect, practice together and consider how that translates into skillful action!
Last month, we launched our Strategy for 2023 and discussed it with you. The execution of that strategy is propelling us from action to action. Come to our Status Update & Mobilization call to get plugged into our next action, Stop Cop City.
Join the 2023 Strategy Launch Call to hear about our exciting new direction. This is an important first step in finding out how you can get involved in XR’s signature creative and disruptive actions. See you there!
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Science Rebels is a group for scientists and people with a particular interest in science. We engage in a range of actions and outreach activities, as well as providing answers to scientific questions about climate change that other groups within Extinction Rebellion NYC may have. We're a very active group, and would love to have additional members.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Living in the urgency of the mounting crises of these times and the very systems of dominance, extraction, and exploitation we aim to dismantle, infects the ways we come together to organize. Regenerative Culture Working Group provides tools and support for building a resilient, creative, and compassionate movement that operates on a culture of care, connection, and respect.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Outreach helps grow the movement! We plan and host talks and trainings, get the word out about the climate emergency through flyering and digital messaging, help new Rebels find a place in the movement, and build community. We also work to build relationships with other organizations.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Action is the engine for our work on the ground and in the streets. The Action Working group designs, organizes, and executes beautiful, bold, and compelling direct actions that align with XR’s overall strategy and supports the smooth functioning of project teams.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Four working groups, Finance, Events, Political Strategy and Arts, invite you to consecutive open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Not sure which group is the best fit? Try more than one! We’d love to connect and get to know new members better.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Media and messaging shapes the story of XR and does the essential work spreading the word far and wide. M&M plans, writes and creates messaging that aligns with XR strategy for social media, email, press releases and video. We’re looking for people with skills or experience in video production, graphic design, copywriting, social media campaign planning and execution, press release writing, photography, etc. A willingness to spend time learning about XR’s DNA and history is a must. The impact of our media & messaging team is immeasurable and we’d love to talk to you more about joining our team.
Our working groups invite you to open New Rebel Welcome meetings to introduce the work each group does, discuss upcoming projects, identify open roles and share ideas.
Digital Infrastructure Working Group handles the care and feeding of the systems that support all of our other working groups. From adding new pages onto our website, providing technical support for our speakers and teachers, maintaining our email list for our newsletter, running digital security trainings, or providing information for recruiting, we collaborate with almost every working group in XR NYC.