Open Letter to CEO of NBCUniversal

April 21, 2021

Mr. Jeff Shell
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

Dear Mr. Shell:

This morning, three women glued themselves to the studio windows of TODAY to send a clear message to NBCUniversal: tell the truth about the climate crisis. Starting today

The climate crisis is not our future. It’s here. And it is the story of our time.

 Despite the severity of the still-unfolding climate emergency, NBCUniversal news networks and programs are failing to report on it with the same dedication, rigor and commitment given to other national and global emergencies.

We call on you to change how all news programs and networks under the NBCUniversal umbrella report on the climate crisis—now.

Two years ago, scientists with the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published the landmark study, Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees. We learned clearly; humanity had to cut heat-trapping emissions roughly in half by 2030 to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown. 

We had “12 years to save the planet.” Those 12 years are now 9. 

The periodic reports on climate change by various NBCUniversal programs are important, but not enough. Reporting from these programs falls short given the public’s expectations.

According to polling from End Climate Silence, more than 7 in 10 Americans (72 percent) say that if there is a connection between an extreme weather event and climate change, they want to hear about it in the news, including 85 percent of Democrats, 59 percent of independents, and 62 percent of Republicans. Furthermore, 75 percent of Americans think it’s important for news coverage of extreme weather to explain its connections to climate change. Critically, majorities say they are more likely to use news sources that cover the climate crisis more frequently.

The American public is waking up to the nightmare of human-driven climate breakdown. It is time for all networks and programs under the NBCUniversal umbrella to do the same. This means NBC News, MSNBC, Noticias Telemundo, TODAY—and more—must:

1.     Identify the climate crisis as a matter of editorial priority and give reporting on it top placement, both online and in daily news segments.

2.     Ensure the climate crisis is covered by every beat, reporting on its impacts in every aspect of our lives, from the economy, to public health, to transportation, to food production and security, and more.

3.     Connect the climate crisis to the fight for racial justice in America, reporting on how the crisis disproportionately harms communities of color.

4.     Include the words “climate crisis” in headlines and stories about the impacts of climate change (see scientifically accurate reporting from Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, and Associated Press).

5.     Include references to climate change as the key driver of weather events, from record-breaking heat to droughts and wildfires.

NBCUniversal has the power to play a critical role in educating Americans on the severity of the climate crisis and bring global solutions into the public consciousness.

Every weather meteorologist employed by a program of NBCUniversal, as well as every reporter and every producer, has a moral obligation to tell the truth about this crisis. This means reporting that clearly labels the crisis human-caused, signifies the urgency of the situation and directs readers to meaningful, large-scale solutions. We’re here to provide connections to climate scientists, experts and resources as needed. You can reach us at

No one is immune to the impacts of climate change, and marginalized and vulnerable groups will suffer the most. This is why we call for immediate action from NBCUniversal leadership and your full organization. Your business, your employees, your communities, and your families depend on it. There is no time left. There is no room for error.

Words matter. With anticipation, we will be listening to yours.

cc: Cesar Conde, Chairman, NBCUniversal News Group; Rashida Jones, President, MSNBC; Noah Oppenheim, President, NBC News; Beau Ferrari, NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises

press, actionsLaura Cole