example expert declarations
It’s often a good idea to present testimony by expert witnesses, who can discuss the science of climate change and the necessity of civil disobedience. Below, find expert declarations from an ongoing case, Minnesota v. Yildirim, in which the Four Necessity pipeline valve-turners are attempting to present a climate necessity defense. Each expert has a specific specialty; some are prepared to testify across multiple areas.
Note: these declarations are just examples of how expert testimony comes into a climate protest trial, and they are specific to this case. Do not use them or cite them in court; in every case, you must secure and prepare new expert testimony.
On the science and imminence of climate change and the health and safety risks of tar sands pipelines and related infrastructure:
Declaration of Dr. James Hansen, Adjunct Professor at Columbia University’s Earth Institute and former Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (and his C.V.)
Declaration of Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, Founder and Senior Technical Advisor of the Cornell Fracture Group (and his C.V.)
Declaration of Dr. Bruce Snyder, Founder and Chair of Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate (MN-USA), a member of the Minnesota Medical Association’s Public Health Committee, and a member of Physicians for a Healthy Climate (and his C.V.)
Declaration by Dr. Peter B. Reich, Professor F.B. Hubachek, Sr. Chair in Forest Ecology at the University of Minnesota (and his C.V.)
Declaration by Dr. Mark Seeley, Graduate Faculty Member of the University of Minnesota’s Soil, Water, and Climate Department since 1979 (and his C.V.)
On political gridlock and the lack of legal alternatives to address the climate crisis:
Declaration by Bill McKibben, Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, and one of the founders of 350.org (and his C.V.)
Declaration of Lawrence Lessig, Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership at Harvard University (and his C.V.)
Declaration by Dr. Martin Gilens, Professor of Politics at Princeton University (and his C.V.)
On the effectiveness of civil disobedience in creating political change:
Declaration by Jamila Raqib, Executive Director of the Albert Einstein Institution (and her C.V.)