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North American Screening of The Condor & The Eagle

This event is part of the “Film Launch Impact Series," June 20 - July 7th. 10+ organizations partners are hosting online events, screening “The Condor & The Eagle," raising awareness about urgent issues and raising funds for key communities/groups leading the charge for a brighter future. By joining us for this screening, you are supporting empathetic and effective movement-building towards powerful change and calls to action.

The Condor and the Eagle is a powerful way to present the inspiring work of land defenders and activist to audiences across the world. The film asks how social change happens, and explores best practices on how to build effective social movements.

Hosted by Extinction Rebellion Global Support and The Condor & The Eagle Impact Campaign. There is a suggested $1-100 sliding scale donation (avg. $25), benefiting XR Global Support, local XR groups in Latin America and the film impact campaign "No More Sacrificed Communities". Please give generously according to your financial context (link in registration).