This month marks the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Sandy which ravaged New York City. As usual, the worst impact were felt by already-vulnerable low-income neighborhoods and communities of color. Today, the need for climate justice is only stronger because as the climate crisis worsens, it’s those who are least responsible that continue to suffer the worst consequences. 

Saturday, October 29th marks ten years to the day since Sandy descended on our city and yet we’re still waiting for the government to mitigate emissions and help homeowners rebuild. That’s why we’re joining New York Communities for Change (NYCC) and other allies for Occupy Park Avenue from October 25th - October 29th. To draw attention to the need for powerful climate action, we plan to shut down Park Avenue each day. We’ll be standing together with NYCC as well as Fridays for Future NYC, Sunrise NYC, 350 NYC and other partners to take bold action.

There are many critical roles to be filled and we need everyone in the streets to make this a success - sign up with NYCC now to plug in!

On Saturday Oct 29, 2022 there will be a non-arrestable mass march between 11 AM to 1 PM - Stay tuned for more details by registering at link.

Plus don’t miss other upcoming events:

  • October 19: The XR NYC Mindful Rebels affinity group joins GreenFaith for a prayerful action at BlackRock. Sign up now to join.

  • November 5th: XR’s Science Rebels affinity group is planning a COP27 protest at Union Square. This event will be non-arrestable and suitable for everyone including kids! Sign up now to participate.